What Weapon is the Most Dangerous Weapon?
To start this discussion, we need to establish how many weapons there are in the category. There are 5 Forms of Weaponry. Sticks, Blades, Flexible, Ballistics, and Combination.
1.) Sticks – (Clubbing weapons) – Any implement that is small enough to hold in your hand, that is harder than your hand that you can use to strike with. Bludgeoning implement. Tire irons, 2×4, baseball bats, etc.
Advantages – (of a stick) –
- Range – Depending on the purpose of a stick your striking range can increase 8 inches to excess length of 6 feet (72 inches). Being struck in the head or boney joints could render you wholly Therefore, vulnerable to a non-resisted beat down.
- Multidirectional – The stick can strike with a great deal of range of motion both on the horizontal and vertical planes. An attacker with a clubbing does not have to be facing you or even postured with an aggressive, loaded position to strike.
- Extreme Joint (bone) Damage – The damage and effectiveness of being struck in the head are apparent but hits to the knees, hand/wrists, elbows, top of the shoulders and even the collarbone can easily damage
- Psychological – Every weapon carries with it an element of a rational fear on the defenders’ part and an increase in confidence on the attacker’s side. Even if a confrontation starts with only one person holding a weapon the moment another weapon is introduced into the mix there will be a fundamental psychological shift.
Disadvantage – (of a stick) –
- Range – There are several different ways to employ a stick type weapon. It can be used to thrust with the end of the stick. An arm’s length stick can be held in both hands and used to strike with the central part of the stick. The stick, however, does excel at swinging and breaking bones. On a side note, in learning to use a stick, you are also learning to use a machete length blade.
- Needs to be loaded – As stated above the stick can be used in short controlled thrust or what we call bar strikes (holding near the end of the stick and sticking to the throat, face or chest), the most common use will be a significant swing to the head. Generally, overcommitted but if it lands you will not just shake it off.
- Weapons Over-Reliance – Weapons over-reliance is the most common mistake people make mentality. This means that a person will forgo learning “Unarmed” skills in favor of wanting to use a weapon as the only method to self-defense. This is a hazardous attitude to have obviously, but you would be surprised how often I have heard people refer to using a weapon first. Even if it would not be legal to do so. You cannot always have a weapon with you.
- Operator Error – Operator error is making a mistake while your weapon is deployed. From dropping and/or fumbling it or even striking yourself. I also consider having a self-defense weapon and NOT learning how to use it.
2.) Blades – (Cutting and Puncturing) – Many things fall into this category. Ice Pick, Screw Driver, Broken Bottle, Kitchen Knife, etc. The Blade is perhaps the most misunderstood weapon that we carry today. Used to open boxes, cut string, and scrape paint and glue off surfaces. The blade, however, can be used as a great Self Defense Weapon. With minimal training, you can develop real skill in the proper use of the blade in a Self Defense situation. However, even an untrained person with a knife is extremely dangerous.
Advantages – (of a Blade) –
- Range – Some knives have short blades, but it still allows a slight advantage over not having that small increase in reach. Most knives that are sufficient for carrying will have at least a three-inch blade, and that is a considerable advantage. In unarmed combat training, here at Reality Defense Training, we teach to strike through a target a minimum of 6 to 8 inches into the target. With a blade in your hand, you do not necessarily need that penetration. So, with a 4-inch knife, you could gain 8 to 12 inches of reach.
- Touch Weapon – The blade does not require strength to use. Any contact with an edge will cause an injury. A skilled attack will cause severe damage and possibly death, as well as loss of motor function due to severed tendons, muscles in addition to blood loss.
- Multi-Directional – Because a knife is a touch weapon it does not require a specific technique to cause damage, so any contact with the blade will cut. Even a wild slashing attack can cause damage.
- Unlimited Damage – This means that a knife can continue to cause damage forever. Unlike a firearm, which has a limited supply of ammunition.
- Accessibility – Knives can be purchased anywhere, and they vary in price so much that virtually anyone can afford one.
- Easily Concealed – Because many knives are small and light they are easy to conceal and unlike firearms can be completely invisible in movement. Many times, a knife will be missed in a cursory search.
- Socially Acceptable – More people carry knives than any other weapon/tool. Thus people are used to seeing them and are less likely to become offended at the sight of a knife.
- Technically Unlimited Damage – I high quality blade and proper targeting will allow for virtually Unlimited damage. You would be able to stab and/or cut more people than any amount of ammunition for a firearm you could carry and use on your body.
- Psychological – Perhaps the most significant advantage of the blade is the mental impact of being cut. This may have started all the way back in prehistoric times when animals hunted men. There is a natural fear of being torn open, and thus an attacker’s morale is likely to be low after the first cut.
Disadvantages – (of a Blade) –
- b.) Weapons Over-Reliance – Many people become entirely dependent on their weapon. This is dangerous because sometimes it is not prudent to attempt to access that weapon. Also, due to an unavoidable situation, the weapon is not able to be used, or you may not have the weapon with you at the time of the attack.
- c.) Operator Error – Operator error is making a mistake while your weapon is deployed. From dropping and/or fumbling it or even striking yourself. I also consider having a self-defense weapon and NOT learning how to use it. This is the improper use of a weapon to such a degree that a person either causes harm to themselves, an innocent bystander or loses it.
3.) Flexible – (Pliable when used) – Belts, Whips, Chains, Car Antenna, etc. Intimidating but not a viable weapon in our society unless you are a rancher that has the ability and need for a Bull Whip. However wieldable chains can be intimidating. Charging a person with this type of weapon will reduce their functionality to using it to strangle.
Advantages – (of flexibles) –
- Range – Very much like a stick depending on the length of this weapon functionality will vary. This flexible weapon however only has a specific area of effect. The very end where it snaps. Unless it is used to bind a limb for temporary control.
- Limb Binding – This is probably the most common result if you, as the defender try to maintain a slightly extended range. If the flexible material has metal or hard, sharp hooks, this could cause severe damage depending on where it grabs flesh.
- Psychological – I believe a person that knows how to “crack” the whip so to speak would be more intimidating than the weapon itself, but as stated earlier all weapons have a psychological advantage no matter how small.
Disadvantages – (of flexibles) –
- Range – The whip or other flexible implements have a specific “optimum” effective range. Depending on the environment, that could have completely neutralizing effects on this type of weapon.
- Weapons Over-Reliance – Many people become utterly dependent on their weapon. This is dangerous because sometimes it is not prudent to attempt to access that weapon. Also, due to an unavoidable situation, the weapon is not able to be used, or you may not have the weapon with you at the time of the attack. This weapon is difficult to make work unless a person is fighting scared.
- Operator Error – Operator error is making a mistake while your weapon is deployed. From dropping and/or fumbling it or even striking yourself. I also consider having a self-defense weapon and NOT learning how to use it. This is the improper use of a weapon to such a degree that a person either causes harm to themselves, an innocent bystander or loses it. I believe this weapon is a weapon that has a higher risk of being used against you if the defender is motivated and somewhat knowledgeable of the limitations of this weapon.
4.) Ballistics – (Projectiles) – Firearms, Bow and Arrow, Cross Bow, Throwing Knives, etc. For functional “ballistic” weapons, I will only discuss firearms. We do discuss and train to protect ourselves from someone throwing a rock, brick or knife at you in the regular curriculum. The media and many government representatives in this country have done a despicably good job and making firearms out to be the deadliest killing implement ever created.
Advantages – (of a firearm) –
- Range – This is undoubtedly one of the most significant benefits to a firearm. Depending on the firearm the valid range can extend out to farther than you can see with the naked eye. The firearm out ranges all other weapons.
- Extreme Damage – Bullets travel at such a speed that contact with flesh tears and bones can break and shatter. But a bullet is blunt trauma. Yes, as a bullet deforms or breaks apart after penetration, there are sharp edges, but it is the kinetic energy of that piece of metal that causes damage.
- One Step Lethal – The firearm is one of two methods that can effectively render someone instantly dead. Both weapons have the capability of severing the brainstem in a single action. That is a blade and a firearm.
- Ease of Use – Please note that the word “proper” was not included in the advantage. Any idiot can pull a trigger. Firearms are not all that difficult to operate. If you have seen “Die Hard” with Bruce Willis or “Steven Segal” in Under Siege you can figure out how to “forest Gump” your way functioning the firearm. That or if you play Call of Duty.
- Psychological – My experience has taught me that most people are more afraid of a firearm than any other weapon. I believe it is due to Hollywood’s portrayal of the effects of firearms in movies. Many people have an irrational fear of firearms. Unlike another weapon in this list, the Firearm is only dangerous in one specific direction at any moment.
Disadvantage – (of a firearm) –
- Limited Ammunition – You can only carry so many rounds of ammunition when you are carrying for self-defense. Now this will differ if you work in an industry that requires the use of equipment that is designed to carry and allow you to access additional magazines with speed and efficiency. We are discussing a conceal carry with the expectation that it would be used for self-defense.
- Potential Mechanical Failure – Anyone that has spent some time on a range training will have heard that “the loudest sound in a gunfight is Click.” There are many moving parts in a firearm and a lot of energy being harnessed. Because of this, there can be a malfunction that renders your firearm
- Weapons Over-Reliance – The firearm is the weapon I hear referred to as the most common go-to weapon. What I have heard the most in the past is “I don’t need that Karate crap, I’ll just shoot em.” At which time I would always peek at their belt and see no print whatsoever and ask, “Where is your gun now?” Literally, in all the years I have been teaching I have only had one woman from West USA Realty claim she had a firearm in her purse. This was the fifth day of presentations at five different locations for that Agency. There were 70 to 80 realtors at each office. I have found that many people that carry firearms daily know the importance of or will at least acknowledge the need for unarmed training.
- Operator Error – Weapons handling and shooting skills are very perishable. Many people seem to worsen that by never getting formal training from a reputable institution. If you want to be a better golfer, you must go to the driving range and hit balls, lots of balls. You also must shoot, lots and lots of shooting under guidance.
5.) Combination – (multiple types in one) – Mainly traditional martial art weapons. I have one thing to say about this type of weapon when referring to traditional martial art weapons. If someone steps out of their car in a parking lot or road rage situation and start whipping nunchaku’s, be concerned because that takes considerable skill.
Advantages – (of combination) –
- Range – Depending on the weapon as there are many, the striking or cutting range can be considerable.
- Intimidating – Let’s face it, anyone that has watched a martial arts movie where weapons are employed must be somewhat impressed. If someone is doing that in front of you, it will be intimidating.
- Psychological – This may seem redundant, but we know that all weapons have a mental element, but a person choosing to engage you in a fight with a traditional martial art weapon with the other options available in my mind presents an intimidation potential that exceeds the “Oh no. He has a weapon.”
Disadvantages – (of combination) –
- Complicated Application – Make no mistake some traditional martial arts weapons are more complicated than others but that is all relative, but complicated non-the less. The more complicated, the less Margin for Error they will have.
- Perishable Skill Set – Due to the complexity of these types of weapons, practice will be required to maintain the ability to employ those weapons with safety towards the user. The more complicated it is, to begin with, the harder it will be to keep a high-level skill.
- Weapons Over-Reliance – Many people become utterly dependent on their weapon. This is dangerous because sometimes it is not prudent to attempt to access that weapon. Also, due to an unavoidable situation, the weapon is not able to be used, or you just may not have the weapon with you at the time of the attack.
- Operator Error – I believe that this will be more likely than any of the other weapons due to the complexity of them.
Non-Lethal –
1.) Sprays – (Pepper Spray / Tear Gas) – Pepper spray and other chemical deterrents are they do not work the same on everybody, and you must be acutely aware of your surroundings. If you are in a confined area or if there is a breeze blowing into your face you could end up effecting yourself.
2.) Shock – (Taser / Stun Gun) – The Taser is essentially a modern-day musket loader. There is one cartridge at a time that must be replaced every time you employ this against an attacker. OR you must get close enough to your assailant that you can make physical contact with them and that could be dangerous. I understand that Taser International has developed a cartridge that has two shots in one cartridge.
Alright, what is the most dangerous weapon?
Answer: There is no most “Dangerous” weapon. It is the situation and the person wielding the weapon that will determine how dangerous that weapon is. For example, a blade in an elevator would be superior to a firearm. Conversely, a person with a knife would be at a disadvantage facing down a gun where there is distance and perhaps some obstacles. However, we CAN determine which weapon is the most SUPERIOR. Now we are not comparing any of the weapons to another. The weapon that has the most advantages and the fewest disadvantages would be the most Superior, right? It’s just math.
The Blade has nine advantages and two disadvantages. Those two disadvantages apply to all weapons. So, the blade in and of itself has no drawbacks. You might be able to add that a folding knife could break, and you would be correct, but honestly, I have not heard about a quality folder like RavenCrest, Benchmade or Microtech not opening and locking and staying open. That is the primary reasons I carry a dedicated defense blade. I do not open boxes, cut string or cut open envelops with mine. I have several students the carry two knives. One utility and one defensive. Believe it or not and a few that carry three blades, one utility, and two defensives.
Ultimately, if you are not willing to alter your life in such a way that you will be able to carry a weapon with you always, it is not something you can rely on always. Lastly, some believe they should not carry a weapon at all for fear that it will be taken away and used against them. This is a product of improper training and mindset. A person will not be able to and undoubtedly unwilling to attempt to disarm you if you are “USING” the weapon against them. So, if you are not willing to use a weapon, don’t carry it!
Many people believe that all they need to do is carry a weapon and they will be completely safe. Although, weapons can be a beneficial way to defend oneself as well as a deterrent if a potential attacker sees that you are indeed carrying one. The problem with viewing weapons as the only method needed to defend against an attacker is you will need to alter your lifestyle to some degree to continually carry that weapon. Some weapons will require more life alterations than others, but all will require some. Also, it is highly unlikely that you would have that weapon with you at “ALL” times.